I'm interested in knowing how people's health has been faring through the time that they have been involved with DoCS.

I've had different things happen over the past 2 1/2 years - the one I remember the most is the itch across my upper arms. This is a stress thing for me. I had months of scratching at my upper arms all the time.

One thing I have noticed just this week is that I've broken out tiny itchy blisters.

Ever since I took my toddler to her DAT appointment on Thursday morning and got so riled about her lack of improvement all this year, I broke out in tiny water blisters on my skin.

I had them on the back of my neck on Thursday night, but they're gone now. I still have them all over my face. Fortunately they can't be seen, but I can feel them and I see them up close in the mirror. My nose is swollen, especially my nostrils.

And I woke up with conjunctivitis in my left eye thismorning.

I thought it was an allergy at first, but I've not come in contact with anything out of the ordinary... The only different thing was that I got really pissed off before I broke out in blisters. So it's highly likely stress.

Stress does affect my skin - this I've always known.