You ARE amazing! I love what you have to say. And the snail story was so neato! And I love it that there is shared a personal experience, such as you looking out for Gary and finding out about eggshell, which then validates the use of eggshell in kefir water! [Linked Image]

I also remember when I first found my way to a book by Naturopath Phil Alexander, whose work inevitably (many years later in a roundabout way) led me to my passion for probiotics. Anyway, in his book he suggested grinding up eggshells to add to food for a natural supplementation of calcium. I found this very exciting until I put the shells in a blender and whuzzed them up. The smell!! freaked Animal hoof smell. And makes sense once again since we are talking about biological shell/nail/calcium stuff.

Oh, and that further reminds me of the gelatin capsules my mom used to buy to help us grow our finger nails. eyebrows

You're always leading me to great memories and new thoughts, JJ. What a treasure to have you here. clink