Well the entity I always saw in the bathroom panneling, reminds me of the being in the famous painting "The Scream" by Edvard Munch (I will attach painting at bottom), but with long hair parted in the middle, & no hands holding the face. I can still see it perfectly in my head.I was 9 - 11 yrs old when I lived there, so I can't believe I can still see her that well in my head.
I pretty much see them in anything wooden - even furniture sometimes.
I think I'm going to start keeping a journal of my flashes, Like I said it doesn't happen on a regular basis, but indeed logs of these flashes will definately help me to recognize patterns, & keep better track of how often they come. I wish I had more of them like you do.
Oh & something I forgot to mention above is that I have seen some of the same entities in different peices of wood throughout my whole life. Like they're keeping track of me or something. I'm not afraid of them anymore, & have no problem with wood anymore either. As a matter of fact, something that I've noticed about these things or maybe just wood in general, is that the energy seems to be higher or more serene in a house or dwelling with alot of wood. For instance, A really ultra modern house w/a lack of wodden materials, or a lack of wooden furniture, makes me feel like the energy of the room or dwelling is "off" somehow. It could just be that ultra modern deco leaves me feeling cold in stead of cozy. Then again It may be that I notice the lack of the nature vibration, where wood is not present. I also seem to pick up on this with plants too. A house with alot of plants in it, to me creates a certian vibration in the home & the people who live in it. But in a house w/out plants I feel uneven energy in it. Like somethings out of balance.
I just realized while typing that , that my house is full of wooden furniture & plants. Hmm. I really can't tell you how much I end up learning about myself when I type responses back to you, almost like you're the catalyst for my self revelations. Thank you pardna!
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