The problem Phil, it lies in the all mighty dollar and also they probably only find one in a hundred customers that checks their work fully day by day.<br />You can see that they need to go back to school because they can't count, if you need 2 to 3 hrs drying time at a given temperture, lets say 3 hrs at 20 Degrees drying time for the dew not to effect the coating that means if the dew starts to arrive at 5 pm the calculation is:<br />5PM -3Hrs thats 2pm and 1 Hr to coat it so you would start at 1pm. Is that hard?, no its not, its just that they want to do a number of jobs in one day and the hrs don't add up.<br />This industry has a bad image in Melbourne and its time they regulate it.<br />Phil we love your forum here at Uni, this roof fiasco has kept you from doing transponder watching.<br />THUMBS DOWN TO ROOF RESTORATION.<br />Steve