I was just on the phone to The Cyprus Foreign Affairs Minister, Mr Demetris Christofias, and I must say that he is most surprised at the fact that UBI have exclusive rights to Cyprus Sat. He proceeded to say that RIK TV is a " non profit organisation " and is a state run television channel that is used to inform all Cypriots worldwide of current affairs and provide cultural and entertaining programming. Since it is a non profit organisation, it is impossible for the Republic to allow corporations to use this channel for profiteering at the expence of Cypriot citizens that live overseas as the channel is funded by the Cypriot taxpayer for the benefit of all Cypriots around the world, as well as those living in Cyprus. He is furious to hear that UBI or Tarbs, as he calls it, is intending to encrypt this channel and has promised to raise this issue in Cyprus Parliament. He will also be contacting other Cypriot Community Leaders in Australia for their advice and input. Aswell as this, he will also be in contact with Tarbs concerning this matter. As far as he is aware, the contract is still on the negotiating table, and no contract has been entered into, let alone an exclusive one. The President will also be briefed on this matter as he will staunchly oppose any move for RIK TV to be an exclusive UBI subscription channel unless it is also available FTA for all expat Cypriots to enjoy.
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