</font><blockquote><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><hr /><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Originally posted by Evagoras Paligaridis:<br /><strong> I am not spreading rumours or misinformation. <img border="0" title="" alt="[Mad]" src="images/icons/default/mad.gif" /> <br /><br />I do understand your point and am not spreading rumours. Would just like to find out the truth.<br /><br />Anyway as I stated earlier I am going to try to find out some truthfull information from The Cyprus High Commission in Canberra. As Cyprus Sat is a state run service like ERT and TRT, then they probably do have some info. If I find anything out then I will PM you phil before I post it on the forum.<br /><br />As far as RIK TV website, they are hopeless. They don't update it for long periods of time and I too never get a reply to my emails. There have also been no official press releases from the Government sites. </strong></font><hr /></blockquote><font size="2" face="Verdana, Arial">Again it must be in writing only with the official stamp on it. I don't allow verbal conversations anymore I want HARD CONCRETE FACTS!!
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