I would like to make a correction. The Honourable Mr. Demetris Christofias is The Speaker of The Cyprus Parliament House. <br /><br />To answer your question Phil, all fees of any contract entered into are to be to the care of The Rebublic of Cyprus and it's taxpayers. I would also like to add that there are many Cypriot politicians who are very angry with what is going on in Australia. I personally have also spoken to The Minister of Foreign Affairs and The Minister of the Interior concerning this matter. What is more important is that this anger is also bi-partisan. <br /><br />I would also like to stop answering any further questions unless I can answer accurately, as I do not want to get into any trouble with any Cypriot authorities, by giving an innaccurate answer, as this link has been passed on to the ministers office, and they are now monitoring this issue. If I am able to answer accurately, then I am only too happy to be of assistance.
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