I'm waiting for Balkans channels and I can see the Greek package getting larger by the week but I cannot believe what Evagoras has said and I agree with MEATBALL, Phil, Lazer and others on this. You have not acted in a professional way, you should have waited until the outcome of this. Two things have happened here 1/ you were conned by lies, 2/ you trying to bignote yourself in front of bigger fish by saying they are reading this forum by putting pressure on UBI to run it FTA.<br />UBI is a company that wants to make money, why should they have to run this or any channel when it costs them heaps to bring it to this country? and all because you are too tight with your money and you don't want to part with some of it.<br />Liski's News forum explains it all. Remember I am from the Balkans and I don't give a shit about the Greek channels.
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