I am a bit busy at the moment as I have other things to do (storm damage) but this is the way I look at it:<br /><br />If this channel is totally funded fully which includes the turn arounds uplinkings on any satellite whatsoever to our Australian shores by the people from Cyprus, well I think it should stay FTA. But on UBI's side, I wouldn't have it, why? If they are not making any money out of it, its robbing one valuable spot on a transponder which could be used by another channel which produces income for UBI. Now as said above, would Select TV or Globecast, Panglobal have it?, and run it FTA, If it incurred them costs? No way!!Like I always say and something doesn't add up here, this channel might be free in that part of the world, but its not free getting it here and if UBI are getting this channel, when its totally funded by the Cypriat tax payers and considering UBI is very short of transponder space, I would be removing this channel from their line up and let another carrier have it. Again, do we really know the truth? Is this channel being paid for 100% to our doorstep? or to get to this channel to Australia at UBI's expense. No doubt the truth will come out in the next few days or so. <br />This matter over channels that are FTA in other parts of the world but being charged for in this part of the world has been bought up 1000 times. Again, will have to wait to see what happens, to see what is true and what is not true.<br />I have sent this to UBI management.<br />Phil
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