Moderator <br /><br />Member # 880 <br /><br />Member Rated:<br /> posted 29 September, 2005 09:03 PM <br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />ITS’ HERE! – UBI WORLD TV ANNOUNCES EXCITING, MUST SEE, GREEK LANGUAGE PACKAGE<br /><br />UBI WORLD TV has today ratified its commitment to all Greek Australian communities as it adds two of the most celebrated Greek channels: ALPHA TV and Cyprus Sat to its line up.<br /><br />“This is just the beginning, as Greek Australians will soon have access to the most comprehensive Greek language package ever seen in Australia”. Greek Australians have started enjoying the best and the most diverse bouquet of Greek language TV channels, including: live news telecasts, movies, daily drama, series, variety, entertainment, music and sports – 24 hours a day – 365 days a year”. Sam Bilge. CEO, UBI WORLD TV.<br /><br />UBI WORLD TV is currently finalising details to bring additional TV and Radio channels to its platform, some of which have never been broadcast out of Greece before, with atleast 6 TV channels forecast by the end of October 2005. With even more to come before years end!<br /><br />ALPHA TV, Cyprus Sat and MAD TV channels are currently on air, free of charge and exclusive throughout Australia to UBI WORLD TV.<br /><br />It’s no secret that ALPHA TV is home to some of the best ‘shining stars’ in Greece including: Ελένη Μενεγάκη, Νίκος Χατζηνικολάου, Μάκη Τριανταφυλλόπουλο, Andreas Mikroutsikos, Γιώργοs Αυτιάs, Νίκος Ευαγγελάτος, and many more. ALPHA TV now boasts some of the best and most popular news, variety, entertainment and current affairs programs including classic Greek series such as ‘Under the Acropolis’.<br /><br />Sports fans will relish in the fact that 3 major league home soccer games will be broadcast every week – live!<br /><br />Former TARBS customers can use their UBI-compatible equipment to access the UBI WORLD TV service, by simply redirecting their satellite dish to the Optus B3 satellite.<br /><br />Anyone requiring more information or wanting to watch these Greek language channels free of charge, including former TARBS customers – will need to register their details with UBI WORLD TV by calling 1300 400 800.<br /><br />We look forward to keeping you up-to-date on the exciting developments for the community’s Greek language package.<br /><br />--------------------<br />UBI WORLD TV 1300 400 800<br /><br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Posts: 923 | From: Sydney | Registered: Oct 2004 <br /><br />---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------<br />Just been on the phone again to Cyprus. I was just speaking to a government minister, and all I can say at this stage is that UBI do not have exclusive rights to Cyprus Sat. In fact, The Cyprus government has no knowledge of any contract being entered into at all. This is what is being claimed by senior government officials in Cyprus and not by myself.<br /><br />This is very interesting and is contradictory to the above claims that are made by UBI that it has exclusive rights. <br /><br />Obviously we can expect some interesting times in the future. The Republic of Cyprus is also being informed of this press release. <br /><br />I do not wish to answer any further questions, but we can all expect an official reply or press release from Cyprus concerning this issue in the very near future.<br /><br />Perhaps, UBI can prove to all that they do have exclusive rights to Cyprus Sat and put to rest these conflicting remarks from Cypriot officials.<br /> <br /> <small>[ 01. December 2005, 12:12 AM: Message edited by: Evagoras Paligaridis ]</small>
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