say that alisa!!
right about now i wish i had a couple of fairy friends to handle my light work for me!I"m shootin ya this to ask if you would be up for some friendly debate?I just joined the site the skeptial viewer forum.I posted a blog on "Ghost Hunters the helen keller of the paranormal".The topic is how a show i once really respected has gone down the tubes because of a lack of integrity.I made the mistake of the meer mention of orbs,& now that's all anyone will focus I was wondering your take on orbs since we seem to share some of the same basic views on energy,& since you have such awesome pictures in your posession,maybe you would be interested in enlighting some nay sayers,on the stuff you've caught.I would love to have some one who is as openminded as you are maybe change the tone - It has'nt become unfriendly as i won't participate in that type of forum.I would just love to see someone w/an ounce of common sense post something on my blog,other than unfounded jibberish.I understand if you opt not to,I was just sitting here after my last post thinking,why is there no one like me responding to this???Then I thought of you!!! hope to see ya in there,thanx.