My response�.Who cares what others believe or not..!!
No need to prove your beliefs or non beliefs at all its totally irrelevant
and as Alisa brilliantly said belief creates reality at the end of the day.
Religions are a classic example of this phenomenon.
It�s the journey and spiritual path that one is on that I feel is important. In your travels you will find people, spirits and all sorts of unexplainable things appear for a reason. The reason however in many instances is not clear because all the pieces of information one receives could come from other time zones that we don�t comprehend here in this world. For example some are from the future and others from the past and you may have received a vision or a message that could take a lifetime or two to understand. Think of them like seeds that have been planted and the flowers and fruit may ripen for consumption in the other dimensions.
All I can say don�t worry to much about what others have to say.
Just enjoy your journey and those in the know will follow and guide you too..!!

I know you know I know