
(With apologies again to Hellasafrica)

That is what I was told a few weeks after Sigma's cessation. I've no reason to lie. I am incredibly pee'd off with Ubi; yes. But I will not engage in agit prop for the sake of it. That is what was said to me, that is what I am writing here (as far as I can recall, it was in the same phone call I made when I decided to cancel my Setanta service.) This is why I say that we are being lied to; how can I be receiving two sets of differing reasons? How can Hellasafrica be receiving two sets of differing reasons when he has contacted both Ubi and Alpha as to why Al-Tsantiri keeps on getting interrupted?

I am still not convinced re Al-Tsantiri news. It would be easier for you (not you, personally) to have it on a Sunday night than on a Wednesday morning (Australian time) as you can get around the more restricted content that the show contains.

I sincerely hope that logs of the conversations are kept on file. I had made my latest complaint phone call last week, so you could hear it for yourself. I'm an idiot, I should have written his name down and PM'd it to you. He laughed twice, and I asked him why he was laughing. That just got me incensed further.

re the credit gesture thing. I was never told anything about that, even though I had stated that I had been a brief member with Tarbs.

re your last point, I am afraid you are off. We used to have one of the big dishes (cost $2,600 to set up) and we had the other channels. The Greek-Australian newspaper "Neos Kosmos" had been warning the Greek-Australian community not to jump on the Tarbs and "Ta Nea" (the rival Greek-Australian newspaper in Melbourne) bandwagon, as those of us who had forked out the incredible sums of money would lose reception access to those stations. Which is what happened to me.

Oh, and please tell your techies not to put on older news and then throw on Friday's Zougla on a Monday night. And please tell them to bring Hardavellas' "Pyles tou Anexigitou" on again.

Sending you my customer ID and phone number now.

Thanks, and again I apologise, Hellasfrica.