boring, nice nick andrew? You are boring!<br /><br />Your rant is just a great as your website. You won't flood the market, you can't!!!! <br /><br />Your Mr bandwidth did a nice marketing ploy by starting on your website, where is he now?<br /><br />We'll you say they by them in bulk from Australia's biggest wholesaler??? I ask you and hotdiks customers to check for warranty cards then in all the boxes. Please look for Warranty cards that are genuine from DREAM MULTIMEDIA. You won't find them will you?????????????????<br /><br />Just cause he's australia's biggest importer does not mean he's not buying all his gear in singapore. (like the hotdicks topfield)Or you know that aswell.<br /><br /><br />So where were you now?? Telling lies again. People have to buy from authorised dealers!!That's not illegal at all. Where in your trade practices act does it say you are allowed to offer only 3 months warranty. Please defend that.<br /><br />RANT RANT RANT- BTW, you do a good job of trying to side up people, poor old fred, he had his whinge and I did to. So leave him out of it.<br /><br />GO AWAY, you bore me. You don't own this site. 36,000 dollars could maybe buy it <img border="0" title="" alt="[Smile]" src="images/icons/default/smile.gif" /> or should I ask Hotdicks for the money??????