JASON-You tripped over your line mate-Go tell all your accc bbb dddd xyz mates about your 3 month warranty, see then if you know what your talking about.<br /><br />cathy, good to see you have some nouse!<br /><br />Admin, I said before, I couldn't give 2, now I couldn't give 10 fuckn shits about your foxtel. Only the so called hobbyist with A foxtel SUB fuckn around with his own card gets upset when some seller makes a quid and he's not. WHO CARES ABOUT FOXTEL OR SELLERS! This was meant to be a HEADLINED BY ADMIN-Dreambox Competition, admin as you once remined me, THIS IS FTA FORUM.<br /><br />Your all HYPOCRITES. Admin especially-go and suck some OZtek or are you getting to old?