I think this forum is creating the beginnings of change.

Initially we were out there thinking it was just us alone.
Well, now we know we are not alone.
We are gathering together.
things take time - this sort of stuff cannot be done impulsively. It takes planning, action, assessing the results etc.

Also we can recognise we have the same goal.
It's growing nicely at present.
I've only been on here since around late September, that is not even 2 months and the changes in interest in this site is exploding.

And public meetings take a lot of organisation, the invites sent out to all those stake holders who deal with docs, the invites to reach the general public,and the invites to the various government officials.Of course a huge mail out before to invite all these parties and also invite law firms, solicitors. Media notified and invited. organising the agenda for such a meeting, the guest speakers, the ushers at the door, the tea and coffee and refreshments, the money to pay for this. The literature and photocopying for people to take with them. The making and video taping of this event. and not to mention the need for security. It's a doable but big task. A lot of people would be involved to pull something like this off. You wouldn't want to do something in a sloppy half measure. And we don't need to look like a bunch of crap pots that scare people before they ever think of arriving.What sort of image do we want to present - it needs to look professional. But this sort of thing will happen one day in the future.