Originally Posted by JusticeForAll

I understand that you are very angry at what Family SA are doing to you and your parnter but please be careful naming the workers in your case. My understanding is that you can get into trouble for doing so. I could be wrong, but the information I have is that there is some kind of issue with it (not sure what that is). You have been through so much, I'd hate for it to get any worse for you, it that was even possible!

Put it this way JusticeForAll
Just say you had a audio recording of a DOCS CSO and you can prove without question that she LIED!! and that lie caused you to be thrown out of your house for 2 1/2 years are you telling me I can't mention her name?
I can mention the name of the Prime Minister, I can even call him names if I wish, I will mention the name of the CSO after my trial and I will even like the Prime Minister put her Photo up.
What can she Do,, NOTHING, can she take me to court to force me to remove her name and face, good on her I will be waiting.
It WILL be DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!