This is an e-mail that I've recieved from Digiturk Customer Services word for word.....

Sayin Eren,

DIGITURK?un, Avustralya?da yayinlarinin iletimi konusunda calismakta oldugu UBI Pty Ltd. ile anlasmasi 1 Agustos 2007 tarihi itibariyle sona ermistir.

Kontrat gorusmelerinin devam etmesi sebebiyle yayina devam edilmis, ancak ticari sartlar konusunda, bugune kadar oldugu gibi, tum iyi niyetli yaklasimlarin korunmasina ragmen anlasma saglanamamis ve yayinlarin iletimi 10.08.2007 tarihinde durdurulmustur.

Digiturk?un, cok yuksek ucret istedigi, ya da uyelik fiyatlarini artirmak istedigi duyumlari gerçegi yansitmamaktadir. Uyelik fiyatlari, fiyat artislari ve paket yapilari UBI Pty. Ltd.
tarafindan belirlenmistir. Digiturk?un, gelir artisi yillardir uyelik sayisina paralel olarak belirlenmektedir, amac siz degerli uyelerimize ilave maliyet getirmeksizin lokal operatorlerimizle gelir paylasimi yapmaktir. Ancak tum cabalarimiza karsin, 2007-2008 sezonu icin anlasma gerceklestirilememistir.

Diger macralardan da DIGITURK yayinlarini size ulastirabilmek icin Avustralya?daki diger servis saglayicilar ile gorusmeler devam etmekte olup, en kisa surede alternatif yayin yontemlerinin sunulmasi planlanmaktadir.

Anlayisiniz icin tesekkur eder, saygilarimizi sunariz.



DIGITURK Musteri Hizmetleri
Tel:0212 473 73 73
Fax:0212 473 73 03

Dear Eren,
The contract we have had with UBI Pty LTD has ended on 1st of August 2007.
Due to the reasons of negotiating of the contract, the broadcast resumed normally, but due to business reasons, even though we have tried
our best to get this contract to happen, the broadcast ended on 10.08.2007.
As to us (Digiturk) asking for more money, rising member fees are entirely not true. Member fees, rise of fees and making of packages are
entirely in the hands of UBI Pty. Ltd. The yearly income are risen on the amount of members that have been added on. Although what ever did
to get the Turkish community to get these channels, the broadcasting of the 2007-2008 season could not have to come an agreement.
We are trying our best to get these and other sport channels back to you in Australia via other servicing companies. Very soon, we will have
those channels broadcasted by another carrier.
Thank you