
It's the whole "getting it out" thing. A problem shared is a problem halved - or so they say.

It means a huge amount to other parents to not only learn that they're not rowing the boat alone, but that they are also being treated in the same barbaric way that other parents are being treated.

Unfortunately there is still a huge stigma around families being involved with DoCS and not enough parents are coming out of the closet (so to speak).

Honestly, there is no shame in it in this day and age because DoCS have got it so WRONG.

Not many people are aware - but they're not even doing the job they are meant to be doing.

DoCS was created in 1999 on a recommendation by the CMC after an inquest into child deaths in foster care to protect children who are already IN foster care - not rip more children out of families and put them in foster care.

DoCS have "broadened their horizons".

If it wasn't for NORMAL families with normal HUMAN parenting issues, CSOs would be out of a job... We keep them employed.

They won't go near children who are in serious need of protection. Too afraid of their workers being injured by a disturbed child or having the office bombed by a warped parent.

Did you know that the DHS in Victoria struggle to get leases for offices because real estates are scared of bomb threats?