
Wantsjustice I read what you said. You must be so scared at the present. Remember willing and able. You are willing to have your children and protect them and are able by ...... That is the part you have to prove to docs and court. So get counselling (ask your GP for a referral to a psychologist using the 'mental health care plan'. Do you have suitable housing? So you need to do any courses and have all these nice glossy certificates as proof. Learn how to play the game and you will win.Also you have to say something like this..."Oh yes, I made a mistake, I own my actions and now realise the consequences but this has made me wake up to the reality of my situation. I am plan to change the way in which I do this, that and the other... It is not anyone else's fault but my own, I realise this now. I am terribly sorry to my children...."
Even if it so far from the real truth this is what those bull dogs want to hear. So learn to play the game and tell them what they want to hear. And get it all in writing and leave that paper trail. the government has to be transparent, the docs bullies don't like this and will cease there games. I have been coached by 2 ex-CSO's and am helping my clients now win against docs.
I have much satisfaction personally too. I have helped 3 people this week in my professional capacity to learn how to 'fight' these bastards and KEEP their children. Of course I am not informing my clients just how intimately I know about docs (ie I was recently one of their client too). But I explain as best I can (in a professional capacity of course!) what is really going on.

I HATE FUCKING DOCS. Oops, that slipped out, I seem to have no control.
AND I am so fucking excited, we are going to win.

But it is soooo hard whilst you are going through it all. It is like being stuck in a well and surrounded by darkness and not knowing one minute to the next what is actually going to happen.

Also Wantsjustice spell it out to your solicitor exactly what to do ...."please write them a letter stating... and I would like a copy...".

To Ihategov - I had no idea what happened to you. No wonder you are so angry and keeping that emotion alive. They fucking rolled you too. Yeah, well somehow, whether it be through your courtcase or somehow somewhere JUSTICE WILL PREVAIL! And every day we are getting closer to it!
Just today in my lunch break I went for a walk and did a bit of thinking away from work and home (me time) and I thought I am excited. I am excited. I am excited because there are so many of us. And that is what is great about it all. If it was only you gov-man you wouldn't stand a chance. No one would understand you and we would all think you are some sort of fucked up idiot BUT there are so many of us - and we are gathering momentum and we have all got a common cause.
This is great, it is truely fucking exciting.

So WantsJustice just stand up tall. Take a deep breath and remember we are all with you. We believe in you (and every other person out there who is experiencing the same dilemma). You are not alone, nor are you mad, nor are you a 'bad mother', nor are you so fucked up that you deserve to loose to your children.
