Guardianship order or custody order? They are 2 different things.

It's a bit of a grey area, the idea of removing a child because the parent was diagnosed by a shrink.

Doctor/patient confidentiality comes into play. The only time the shrink can divulge info is either because they believe the child is at risk of harm, or DoCS subpoena the file.

The main reason why parents won't seek psychiatric help for themselves is the cost. A good psychiatrist is around $500 per hour.

Also, if a parent has obtained help from a psychiatrist BEFORE DoCS become involved it really doesn't hold a lot of water for DoCS to remove the child from the home... The only thing they can really claim to "need" to do is monitor the parent. Particularly if the child has not been harmed.

The parent has taken responsible steps... They have sought help, received a diagnosis, commenced treatment.

Also, the chance of getting a psychiatrist that is in the pocket of DoCS would be pretty unlikely. DoCS on the Gold Coast don't have a shrink in the vicinity - they send parents to one particular psychiatrist in Brisbane. And there are loads of shrinks in this area.