My brother in Queensland tells me that the most hated Government department has to be CSA (child support agency). See, my brother has been divorced for quite a few years now and he has been paying maintenance for his three children. He lives like a scrooge in a one bedroom unit, where half his wage goes in paying child maintenance to his ex-wife, where she lives like a queen in a big house with her new boyfriend that earns a good wage.

Now, we just find out last year that his last child that he has been paying maintenance for for years is not his. A DNA test was done and this has been proven that his bitch of a wife has been screwing around and fallen pregnant to another man. Now because of current laws in Queensland and because he didn't get permission to get the DNA test done by his ex-wife he is in the shit. Mind you, there are womens action groups here in Queensland including a political party that are trying to block legislation changes that would allow fathers to get a DNA of their children to make sure they are his biological children before paying maintenance. If anyone has ever had to lower themselves in dealing with the CSA, I think you will know what my brother is going through. He tells me also they are all run by women and some are very bitter. I will give you an example of what was said: Quote: "Well you have enjoyed the child for the last few years and now you tell me you don't want to pay for him, someone has to pay for him". This is the answer he gets and this is what he has to put up with, so what will happen now? He has to take this matter to court and try to be reimbursed for the money he has paid for maintenance of a child that is not his. What is wrong with this department? Why do women stick up for women? They know she is in the wrong and yet they are still protecting her and bleeding my brother dry. Just do a search on the internet about this department and you will find fathers in distress left right and centre being bled dry by this system. Maybe, my brother is unlucky, since day one anyone that has had anything to do with his case was a woman, why don't they put men in some of these jobs? Or is it a case that they have been scared out of these positions? One day something will have to be done because the amount of fathers committing suicide in Australia is out of control and in most cases they are involved with the CSA. mad mad mad