Hello all,

I have just read the past 24 hours worth of postings. Good stuff, keep it up folks.
Now some questions and comments -
Just what the hell is a 'mat muncher'?
And about the wetting beds, sexually acting out.
Well it is just one symptom and can not be used to diagnose.
Yes, as a student nurse, I witnessed (on community placement) a very disabled child masturbating continuously and screaming away. It was uncomfortable to be in a room of adults and disabled children and seeing this, i can assure you. Very primal drive and no social skills. I won't forget that experience, I didn't know which way to look.
I know kids who are bed wetters but I am pretty sure there is no sexual abuse but rather both those boys that come to my mind both could be classified as conduct disorder and have quite a few behavioural issues.
But first one needs to rule out organic courses for this bed wetting.
I am personally of the idea that docs only interested in sex abuse allegations when they want to get at a parent (bring on a case!) and yet have witnessed (part of my story) whereby a child was returned to their home, started sexually acting out and presto docs didn't do anything, no investigation, even though there were about 3 or 4 incidences reported. I suppose it didn't suit their allegations against mother for them to be notified about possible father (?) abusing child when they have glorified this chroncially unemployed, drug fucked man child and said that he was the more suitable parent over the mother who was working in a psych. unit at the time as a registered nurse, and alway worked in her choosen profession. It wouldn't feed into their primary concerns so they dropped it.docs were the ones who sent the child out of state and wrote letter of support to father's solicitor to apply for full custody.
Yes, I know of one teenage boy that docs has fucked over and over and over. He tried to commit suicide in the past 6 months - he is lost. He regularly self harms, identifies himself with homeless youth and has been fucked over in foster homes too. Personal friend links there and not professional.
Remember I am the only registered nurse in queensland that had my child removed off me due to child being deemed 'at risk' of mother. They tried to say I was mad, bad and a danger to my child.
Hello docs/ government if you read this and you have read my complaint you will know it is me and hey, I am not scared of docs. I intend to keep blabbing away. One senior colleague who knows me very well both personally and in a professional capacity said it was a 'miscarriage of justice' what docs did to my family. I have the tapes and full story of what happened. Mr C Fass said it was unusual for docs to go for middle class, professionals like me in my role.
Yep, I said I would 'sit up and shut up' to your docs chosen psychologist (He wrote it in his report) but i think I was lying now as I can't shut up about how corrupt docs are, not only in my story but in so many others around me.

Anyway, Mr Ihategov I think Mayhem and Confusion sound good to me. I have some ideas.
Does anyone else have ideas about how to
1. educate the people about docs current practices 2.stop the docs monster roaming around and snatching and grabbing children and 3. make them more accountable and stop the lying.
PM me if you do.
cheers and good night.