In body language its not the one gesture that governs the whole action to a question, its the sequence of that body movement.
Let take Howard the coward as a EG: when he gave a speech of dribble.
he always plays with his nose, and ear. two signs on its own, that he is lieing. but, if taking on that face values, then most people lie, its can also mean he had a running nose, with a ear infection.
In body language, you just dont look for the one action to tell you everything you need to know, you look and study the multiple of actions when questioned in random.
This is where Human behaviour kicks in and has the same functions as body language.
Take WJ: youngest daughter in a month just from her body language and human behaviour she told me she had Issues. as we bonded, the words came out to back up to what I saw. she also wanted a father figure, and she choice me. WJ: agrees to what I say about her daughter.

So, if DOCS thinks they are educated,why then dont the learn how to use body language and human behaviour ?.

Now add in a polygraph test and that three ways to seek the truth. and not use mind games to abuse. the word in DOCS is Child safety. yet anyone knows that DOCS has nothing to do with child safety, for even that said child is nowhere being safe when in the care of DOCS, nor is any parent.