funny you are talking about DV stuff now, because after reading Bella's story I was thinking about DV issues today.And presto I have my usual contact with docs (I said we have a bit to do with them at work).
Guess what - docs have taken a child off a woman and now placed child with this father.
And guess what they said they (i.e. docs) 'have NO concerns about the father' and the mother 'has made no allegations about the father to docs about the father of the child'.
BUT we know that the woman was in a huge DV relationship with this man. He threatened her, bashed her and all that usual predictable stuff. Was probably very abusive toward her in front of the child.
We have it all through our files about how scared she is of him and what he did to her etc. Now docs see him as the fit and protective parent.

Yep, another case whereby docs seem to then take on the role of siding with the male and further abusing the mother where the man leaves off.
(Do I make sense here/)

Something is wrong as I have seen this happen before. I am concerned for the child and so is my team when informed of this outcome.

Also further about DV. One worker said the laws that protect these men should change so that woman and children don't have to leave their homes, schools and cities to avoid these abusive men. The law should make these men have to move out of their homes, leave their jobs, leave their cities and leave the woman who is not the perpetrator to live on in peace. Why should the woman who is already abused have to leave. The law doesn't protect women and then the likes of docs with further persecute them.

And about my question about how someone could place a complaint (notification) about me and my parenting, raise concerns about the safety of my child as docs were once in our lives and yes, I had that answered by the CSO that I spoke to from docs. She answered my question whilst talking about something else today to me, and yes I am right. Once the docs spotlight has been on you before they will come running at great speeds if alerted again. It doesn't have to be substantiated either, could be just a rumour. Guilty until proven innocent.