OK new day, new dawn, back w/something more positive...

Keep informing people of this & resolution will come! As I believe that each experience put on this site benefits others more than one could possibly imagine.

The mere fact that you care enough to inform & warn others, is infact the positive energy needed to get the ball rolling on changing the outcome of such a travesty!

After reading the above post last night,I felt Physically sick that a government could be so ominous in the lives of a family & cause so much greif under the guise of "help"! I am still sick w/anger,fear & greif that this is possible & is being allowed.

But through that same negativeness, comes a feeling of impowerment, knowing that change is possible when prompted by mass consciousness! And you are making the masses conscious! YOU are taking the first step towards CHANGE!

I've read a few of your posts, & am affected by your information - & I don't even live in your country. So I know when the right people read those same articals,that they will be motivated to join the fight, & from that - help will come!

I wish the best of luck to all of you,keep informing,keep sharing, & keep fighting - because in my book you are all PIONEERS starting a REVOLUTION!!!

Bless you all, and peace to you in your fight for your children.