This is very important what I am about to say so please read it carefully and read it again.
If you were selected to sit as a Juror or just say you were bored one day with nothing to do and you decided to do something different and just walk off the street, walk into the Supreme or District Courts in George st Brisbane, you walk into a District Court building and look on the wall for cases for today (which you don't know what they are until you sit in them). You walk into a court room that has the OPEN sign so any member of the public can walk in and sit in the rear in the public gallery.
Now you sit up the back and I bet you that you will have an 80% chance that the court room that you are sitting in will be a child sex case, and if not try your luck in another court room because you will find one GUARANTEED!.

The next bit is the very important bit. When a Department of Child Safety CSO is put on the stand (witness Box)the evidence that they give is very similar in all cases and maybe one day I will let you know how I know this but a big but!! Just say the Prosecution puts a DOCS expert on the stand and the Prosecutor asks the expert (not saying what capacity as you can work that one out for yourself) a few questions about abused children they will always and I mean always come out with this bit of evidence when they don't really have any, of some drawing drawn by a child or a group of Children. The Prosecutor asks the expert for expert advice (remember in court opinions are not allowed) they will tell you that in all cases that they know that a child draws dark or mostly dark drawings this is a sign that the child has been sexually abused.
Now this information is fed to the jury as they are listening and as a jury they have no reason not to believe firstly the Child Safety officer, followed by the expert that is supposedly qualified in this field giving evidence that these dark/darker colored drawings are a big sign that a child has been abused.
Talk about stacking the DECK OF CARDS to suit the Crown for an unsuspecting Jury, the jury has not got a clue how crooked the system is, maybe I should sit outside a court building educating anyone that walks past what really goes on oooOOHH I bet they would get rid of me or find a trumped up charge to arrest me doing my duty as a citizen warning all that sometimes what you see is not what you get. I wonder if the Defence Lawyers know this?, maybe its time for someone to tell them all about what DOCs and SACS do because the above happened to my children where they, DOCS and SACS asked my three Children to draw pretty pictures where only 3 out of 15 Crayons were of a light colour which would force a child to use darker colours to draw.
Please all I have a mile of Shonky information like the one above. Actually just say the above is called "TRICK 1". What would you say if I had another 18 or 20 more that they use to confuse and brainwash the Jury?.
Trust me in the disgusting ranks out of ten from one to ten this one rates about 4.