Hello all,

Hope you are all having a good weekend.

Firstly, Hespera it is great that you play the devil's advocate here and your comments are cerainly appreciated and considered.
I do agree that dealing with families is very challenging.
But as I said there is one way to say something and another way to say something. I do believe (from personal experience) that some CSO's are bullies and would prevoke some parents to get angry. I am concerned that some CSO's will use this knowledge to further prevoke some parents. As a mental health nurse I work in a high risk area for aggressive behaviours, for this reason we are given a 5 day aggression management training. I must admit after some 17 or so years working in this area I haven't been punched or assulting (yet - touch wood) (that includes maximum security wings too).
I wonder how much training docs workers are given? Maybe our friend Julie could inform us? And Julie just how do you know you can be an effective team player when you haven't even been appointed to a position within docs yet?
I think you are a complete wind up.
But good for the entertainment side of this forum - so keep writing Julie! We all want to think 'what the...' after reading your comments.
I would like to echo what 'lovingmykids' wrote.
Not all parents who docs remove children from their care are drug affected, history of violence, criminals or mentally insane, nor in a DV relationship! One needs to realise this.
I certainly didn't fit any of those categories. I get the impression some readers think (reading on altnews as well)that some people are deluded to think that there is a certain type of parent out there that deal with docs. One must realise it is a legal game and docs don't like to back down.
It is also interesting when in a space of 12 months docs are taking you through their hoops and then in that same space of time you are now representing your clients that are facing docs in the same rooms where docs were discussing you. And not to mention that the same docs workers are present in both meetings. How does that one work?
It is just a game.
And an expensive legal game for the parent/ family, tax payer etc. Oh, I forgot to mention the child - but that is really an after thought from what I see in my world.
Bye for now.