Originally Posted by jenmaz
I have just been reading through this post regarding peoples' comments on DoCS Qld. (And in some cases - other States).

Though I understand the anger and resentment that these individuals feel at having their children stolen by the Dept, I am concerned at the way they deal with the situation.

I firmly believe that the Dept wants families to become angry and bitter and vengeful etc because then they can USE THIS TYPE OF BEHAVIOUR shown by parents AS AN EXCUSE TO FURTHER HARASS AND PERSECUTE THEM.

As families undergoing child protection investigations and so on, we need to be very careful how we relate to the Dept. I believe there is a far better outcome through being civil, polite, assertive, professional and so on. I know this is hard at times, particularly if the DoCS workers are not showing the same attitudes, but for the sake of your case and the emotional security of your children it is vitally important.

We as parents need to fight for a change of attitude from the Department. Often this means changing our attitudes first. (Even if we hate the idea!) I am not talking about giving in!!!!!!
No, I'm talking about exerting our rights as parents and demanding that the Department, the Foster Care Agencies, the Foster Parents and ourselves WORK IN PARTNERSHIP.

PARTNERSHIP - yes the word sounds frightening, particularly when applied to DoCS, but this I firmly believe is the way of the future if we WANT TO SEE POSITIVE CHANGES IN THE WAY CHILD

Partnership brings about positive results and its good for the kids. They are after all, the most important people in the whole DoCS vs parents issue.

Please don't think I am pro DoCS, or crazy. I too have had negative dealings with DoCS (NSW). My son is still in care due to the terrible things that DoCS did at Court and to us. But I am now in a position where I am working very hard to build better relationships with all that are involved in my son's case - Foster Agency, Foster Carers, and yes DoCS as well. MY SITUATION (AND THAT OF MY SON) IS ACTUALLY IMPROVING BECAUSE OF THIS.
Now I am being invited by Child Protection Agencies, including DoCS equivalents in other States, to come and talk to their workers about important issues such as - Working with parents; how it feels to be a parent in the Child Protection system and how to best work in Partnership together.

This is a first for parents like us - to actually be listened to and not written of as "dead beat" parents as one politician so charmingly described us!!
I also had the opportunity to speak at a National Child Welfare Conference about the Parent Perspective in Child Protection, by telling my own story and stressing the importance of working with parents in Partnership and not against them. And yes, there were DoCS workers, Foster Care Agencies and Legal Representatives at this meeting. TALK ABOUT POWER 4 PARENTS!!! Now it is actually happening.

Sorry for the long posting, but please consider what I have said.

If you do have problems with anger and dealing with DoCS, and it is affecting your life - please seek counselling. Often our anger at DoCS is more about grief and loss than actually all out anger. Losing a child to DoCS is a horrible experience and of course we are all going to have strong emotions about this. If we lost our child due to death - there would be lots of support and compassion, but when it is through DoCS we get no support, only the labels of - child abuser, you deserve it, "dead beat" parent and so on. What a horrible thing to do to someone, particularly if their child's removal was due to circumstances that were not child abuse or deliberate neglect.

If you would like to discuss your situation, want some information on Court Processes or tips on how to work with DoCS please consider calling the Family Inclusion Network (FIN - NSW) on 0450 521 610.
This organisation has been specifically set up (by parents and supportive professionals) to assist parents with kids in out-of-home care or at risk of losing kids into care because of DoCS. It is not run by DoCS! There are also branches in Qld, WA, ACT and SA. Victoria is hoping to start one soon. There is also a National FIN organisation called FIN Australia which all State Branches belong to.
Please email me if you want more info.
Parent Representative on the Board for FIN-NSW,
State Representative for FIN Australia, and most important of all a parent with a child in out-of-home care.

You sound like a decent person to be caught up with this Docs stuff but the way I look at it even the most decent person in Australia would become an animal if they were accused of false child abuse and have their children taken off them.
Well thats the way I look at it, I could not ever want to be in a position and I would not know how I would ever re-act if this happened to me because of a nut case putting a false accusation in, then you have one of these family services blowing it out of proportion only making it worst.