
You sound a bit like Cathy back in the early days except she liked men and possibly girls too but as she explained to me she had a guy give her a hard time that gave her an impression that all men were the same.
But for you Julie I could just imagine what would happen if people like you ever got into power or a position of power as heaven help us men.
Julie don't you read the papers? Don't you read the internet? I was blind to all these accusations against these Child Government Departments Australia wide until I was directed to the internet to do my own researching and it wasn't until I spoke to my Lawyer not long ago fighting a speeding ticket and I asked him is it true about these Child Related Government Departments in Australia behaving this way and he replied unfortunately yes.

Julie you need to lighten up, maybe you need to find another guy and he alone will be able to remove your frustrations but whatever you do please never apply for a position related to the above