Wow I wish i found this site before, am in total shock that there are so many of us out there, in the same situation. The department are doing different tactics with us now, they arrested my partner for trespassing in our place....Yes trespassing, he lived with me....The entered with police without showing ID also. Used standover tactics, and I was made to sign a piece of paper saying he would not have contact with my daughter or they would remove her.
He has also been arrested since them exactly the same again, now he is staying in this dirty hostel. They even came to my house whilst I was at work and interviewed the children without me present. My youngest daughter loved my partner, but now is too scared even to mention his name. Even though I have agreed to him not seeing any of the children...They are now telling me that I can not have any contact with him at all, no phone calls, nothing or they would remove all my children and i would never see them again. They have corrupted my youngest daughters mind also. She is scared of my partner, the police and the department. Afraid when someone knocks at the door now. Does anyone have the right to destroy a family, and now the love between two?? They are doing this as we were getting closer to getting help Im sure. At one stage, we both were going to court for placement for his son, in a different state and as we entered the courtroom 5 police officers pulled us over and dragged us to the police station, saying they had a report that if my partner didnt get any answers he would take hostages.....Unbelievable...We since found out it was the departments involvement once again. Where is the justice. My daughter is expecting her first child at Christmas, and I feel so sorry for her, as one phone call could ruin her family too.....What has this world come too?????

What happened to Innocent until proven guilty