
Been thinking about what I wrote in response to Mr Sniper on 'refused or rejected' topic on this same forum yesterday.

There are 3 main goals here -

1.) Firstly is to educate the public to expose the current practices of docs corrupt workers.

So just how do we do that and what are our tools to do this with?

My answer is this forum is a very good tool - after you wade through the anger and angst feelings expressed here - there are lots of good information and stories to be told to explain what is going on.
So how to reach the masses?
Ok public forum is one way but that is top shelf staff at present.
We are just starting out here in this forum.
So how to reach the masses with limited funds?
What about flyers (1 A4 page with eye catching information that leads the inquisitive reader to this site "www.Aus-City forums.com")
a. flyers into letter box drops (like the junk mail many receive in their letter box)
b. flyers given out at (children's) courts.
c. Flyers sent/ given out to solicitors, cousellors, support agencies, etc.

The flyers will need to have an email address or (query phone number?)where people can voice their support.
This is where we start to gather the numbers that we need for further political action down the track.

2. Lobby for changes to the Child Protection Act 1999 and also to change the method in which the current department of child safety deliver this to the public.

Start up a lobby group.
I think it has to be in South East Queensland (Brisbane) where the biggest number of people live.
And what is the name going to be?
Register the name and formally set it up.
Find a meeting spot/ find donated office space.
Work out a mission statement and all that stuff.
What's our objectives to be reached? what's our slogan?
Make a start and find out what is needed to carry this through.
Elect your president, secretary and treasurer and all those other positions required.
Sub branches of this can operate in various other parts in the state of Queensland.

Once up and running, then we go for the public meetings and do all the big stuff that is required to execute this successfully.
Attend any other meetings/ gatherings that we should have a presence at.

3. Thirdly, once the above has been achieved go about setting up a phone service to the public to give information out about how to deal with docs.
Initially be staffed by volunteers (uni students would love this experience on their CV).
Take statistics from all phone contacts.
Also use your volunteers to do the mail out preparations in their spare time whilst on duty in the office.
Then if looking viable submit for funding to the government on a needs basis for this sort of organisation to exist for the community.

Currently there is a large gap here due to lack of 'know how' amongst the general community and professionals on how to deal with docs.

Around this time frame start up on introducing brochures, that can then be disseminated throughout Queensland to various agencies that deal with people. They can then refer the client to our service.

Please would someone give me feedback on this suggestion.
I don't think it is too grandiose.
It is all do-able in stages, if one stage doesn't get off the ground then have option 2 ready as back up plans.