Originally Posted by TVSAT
just i wanted to ask 1 more thing helen why did your Sister do that sorry to say but thats pure EVIL frown that was an upseting story

Mate you need to understand that this the Department of Child Safety is a department to try to keep away from.If you really hate someone forget ringing the cops, forget ringing the council about a barking dog, forget ringing Centrelink or the Taxation Department just ring DOCS.
You make up a good story about child abuse against the person you hate because his dog pissed on you wheels and if you happen to be a man these bunch of men hating ZEALOTS will charge to you place of dwelling and find any excuse to remove you or you Children from your house
Please all do a Google and type in Dept Of Child Safety and get a shock of the amount of complaints that have been put in against them. They have ongoing royal commissions going against them, just ring any lawyer in QLD and ask him or her what you think of them and if he or she has time you will get a ear bashing from the lawyer and the next question from the lawyer will be what have they done to you.
PLEASE if you know A lawyer just ask his or her opinion about DOCS.