I was having my dinner, watching the news and I see the state government has introduced new laws to toughen the laws on bashing up ambulance officers and parents giving their children alcohol to celebrate the end of school. They also said their would be a larger fine for leaving children under 12 unattended in cars.

But the bit that made me fucking choke was they have also introduced new laws and higher penalties for anyone assaulting a Child Safety officer and who else do you see on TV but our great Attorney General Kerry Shine. Normally you only see him appealing against light sentences given to sexual offenders. Actually I have never seen him for anything else. But what bothers me is its so easy for them to introduce tougher laws to protect Child Safety officers, what about at the same time introducing new laws to protect the public from these dirty filthy fucking lying DOCS cunts? I am fucking angry like hell. This government reminds me of a one way valve, everything is always in one direction, you are all a bunch of fucking zealots. Why don't you look at the root of the problem, why people are bashing child safety officers? The only bashing I am going to be doing is on this fucking internet site, you fucking low lifes. I am sick and tired of seeing stories like this on TV where they don't get it right. I am against anyone assaulting anyone but why in the fuck do we have so many people assaulting Department of Child Safety officers? There must be a reason. Look at me for example, I am venting my anger on this internet site because of one dirty, filthy, fat, fucking mole that lied. Kerry Shine, why don't you introduce laws to protect the public against monsters like I have had to deal with. Monsters that deliberately lied, that can be proven in a court of law and have caused our headaches. Again, I am venting my anger on the internet, but most younger people today that are hot headed and have had a situation similar or identical to mine, do you honestly expect them to keep their cool, when they clearly see if their case becomes similar to mine where a Department of Child Safety officer has set them up?

I am lost for words, I am angry and I know that you Kerry Shine will never do anything about this, but I can promise you one thing, when my mess is over, the CMC will be the first I will be notifying, followed by you very quickly, but knowing you, you will get one of your law books out and find a loop hole.

Isn't what they say in court when you are found innocent, you are not really found innocent, its just that the crown doesn't have enough evidence to convict you and they use this in the lower courts to get around the payment of compensation. All I can say is I hope the fucking lot of you rot in hell.