Originally Posted by thisisgood

Lovingmykids, (still need to find out which section that bit about masturbation is in?)

Got to.

Once there, look at the VERY TOP right you will find a DEPT OF CHILD SAFETY SEARCH window.

Drop in the word,,,,,, masturbation ,,,,, in that box and go for it! and you will find more than one article on the above.

All I ask is if you ever get bored please read their SICK PERVERTED manual.

You know how FUCKED they are, they say in their manual that if a child continually wets his or her nappies/ undies the child is being abused possible sexually.
NOW ALL! I bet you have seen that I think the DRY NITES AD! where a young boy runs in his bed room going to bed and the ad says Quote "Don't worry if the child continues to wet his or her pants at night as they will grow out of it and dry in their own time".
Now we have all seen this ad so why in the hell does the Department of Child safety Contradict what is shown on National Television, Who would you believe?
So what is it Dry NITES and all the television stations around Australia.....You have FAILED! mandatory reporting Child Abuse.