Aah yes, if you plead guilty it's an admission - it's you saying "Hell yes, I did it!!"

Everyone says the same thing about the lack of experience and life skills DoCS workers have... Especially CSOs.

Many of them are very young, with no children of their own and a lot of them still live at home with their parents.

A person who does not raise children has NO idea about what it is like. It's a bit different if they live with children - but even then the onus is not on them to care for the child 24/7.

People who still live at home with their parents might pay board or contribute in some way - but they have NO idea about what it's like to be in the real world standing on their own 2 feet.

Dredging up interesting stuff from a person's past is much easier than digging into what is going on in a person's present... They get contractors to write assessment reports about that - but expect them to reflect what they "found" in the parent's past.

And God forbid that something happens to the family in the middle of the case! Then they have no idea what to do - and the fools admit it.

I started as a married mother with 5 children. I'm now a widowed mother with 5 children.

When my husband died last year, DoCS freaked out. They went into a tail spin and had no idea what to do.

Suddenly I was the only mother in the world raising 5 children alone... Oh, I had so many problems! I was now a single parent, I had 3 children with special needs... How could I cope?!!

So, instead of finding ways to help me (I didn't need help mind you) they hid from me instead... They hid for 2 months.

While they were hiding, I paid for a funeral, kept my rent and bills paid, filed paperwork with every organization under the sun to clear up my husband's estate, did the housework, put food on the table and remained sane while keeping my family glued together (I have 3 in care and 2 at home).

I am made of sterner stuff and DoCS really have no idea who they are messing with.