Hello George,

Today I read your profile too. I too thought you must be retired out there at Albany Creek. I didn't necessarily think you would be of ethnic origin though. I think it is sweet that you are interesting in this forum. Good on you and God bless you!

Seriously consider if what we are placing on this forum is correct - I know there are 2 sides to every story. But why are so many people all talking about the same common themes.

A long term colleague who saw what happened to me said 'if they can take you child off you then they could take any child off anyone' - see even stated to the docs psychiatrist that she 'wished she was as together as I was when her chid was young' - of course the docs psychiatrist didn't write that into her report did she?

At my child's school I see a child who looks very neglected to me. Seriously rough. I am informed by my child that this kid is the naughty kid in the class too. DOCS aren't involved there, yet there is obvious neglect and poor parenting behind the scenes. I see other cases along this theme too but no docs involved there. So I asked why were docs involved in our lives yet I am the most pedantic mother around. Like I play Mozart as my child goes off to sleep - have since child was baby. Pedantic about getting right food into this child, pedantic about how much (uggh) TV is viewed. Pedantic about what I say in front of my child and aware of modellig behaviours. I have had this child enrolled into private GPS school well before DOCs were ever involved. My house is pretty clean and ordered. My child wants for nothing. (got the picture?) So why my child? A DOCS worker said because you brought the attention onto yourself by ringing. Even my sister said it was my fault that my child was abused whilst in foster care because I rang them!

So consequently I have wondered why don't docs take every child off every parent at birth. And presto then they could do their twisted investigation on eveyone, then there would be NO DISCRIMINATION ha ha ha. Imagine no child would live with their parents and the government could employ child catchers (like out of Chitty Chitty Bang Bang movie) that run up and down the streets and sweep the children off to remote large farms type orphanages where these big fat arsed bull dog dyke types dressed like sargeants could run run the show. No parents, no power just the government running large institutions for children.
At the moment because not all parents are scrutinised by docs there is a reverse discrimination. BRING IT ON - then there might be a mass outcry from the peoples.

OMG, maybe docs were right I really am mad aren't i?
Certainly twisted and jaded.

And by the way I am very much into helping the underdog.
It is unfortunate that some people have long term suffering from mental health issues (and I am not intentionaly taking the mickey out of these people). And having mental health issues is NO reason for docs to remove children from their homes.