Originally Posted by George H

what i have been reading here sounds like a novel from a horror story. i would like to know how can this be happening in australia as this is a beautiful country. how do i know you people are not trouble makers making this up as i cannot believe this sort of thing is happening in this lovely country.

By reading your profile telling me you are retired and possibly if George is your real name you are from an ethnic origin and you are over 60.
If the above is true back in your days you would have had Honestly, Integrity, Loyalty, and many other values in life but as you might suspect all of the above are thrown out of the window today as all you have today is arrogance, mistrust of each other, no loyalty, and a human race bent on destroying each other.
Abuse of each other has been around for thousands of years but the only thing that has changed lately is someone is making money out of all this.
See Its very simple Australia is a large country with a very small population, we produce just about nothing anymore so if this is the case which it is, how do we keep the employment? Easy manufacture bullshit Employment. Do you know Australia has nearly the highest amount of Social Workers and counsellors in the World. These days even if you FART at work you need to be COUNSELLED by some fuckwit that earns over 70k a year. Do you know many years ago the state Government (won't say which one and what Government dept for reasons) had say 20 tradesmen for one supervisor, approximately 100 (say 5 gangs) tradesmen for a senior Supervisor but when I left because I was disgusted years later we had an average of 9 tradesman per Supervisor, each Supervisor had an assistant and a secretary and we had at least 6 senior supervisors and they reduced the tradesmen down to less than 60.
It was a job for the boys! Do you know the mentality they had? well this is it! We have no problem yes we know that, yes we know so lets generate the problem so we can justify the employment. and that just about sums it up, more fucking Chiefs than Indians.
Now you might ask what has this got to do with DOCS well its similar, Child abuse has been around for thousands of years and all I can see is a Government spending multi millions on employing more JAB Cops, counsellors, social workers, hangers on where most of them are not suited to the job all trying to justify their positions and all they do is generate tonnes of paperwork and at the end of the day nothing is done.
Yes I agree some parents don't deserve to have or keep their kids but this heavily employed and getting larger by the day Government Department like the SUPERVISORS ABOVE have to justify their employment at any means and do this at the expense of our families.
Look at LovingMyKids above, She complains they the Dept Of Child Safety retaliate by making it more difficult for her to get her kids back. Now tell me is this fair? Is this ethical?
No as this would probably not happen back in your days.
Like others have said, please do a search on the internet and you will see stories left right and centre to whats been happening to our children in this country, now of all the child abuse cases investigated, you can't tell me that every one of them are true and there are no false allegations going in for vindictive reasons from a family member, from a nosey neighbour and then once DOCS takes up the matter and if you rub them up the wrong way, which most would do when they come with an entourage of people, counsellors, social workers, cops, you name it and then they accuse you and you retaliate by telling them whatever and DOCS staff start a vendetta on you by turning nothing into something, sorry to say, no this is not on. This is very important for all on these public forums, do not trust anyone, for all these government departments which are out there to help you and to protect you from DOCS, they are all useless as DOCS will retaliate as soon as you employ them and at the end of the day the state government pays their wages and it is a total waste of time and as one member has PM'd me why don't you go to the media? That has to be the most total waste of time, reason, 99% of the time they won't take the stories on for many reasons including legal, so sorry to say folks, if you are stuck in one of these sticky situations, you are on your own. Its guerilla warfare.
Going back to my bottle now, its Sunday.