Originally Posted by Julie

but on the good side she has told me that now the department has an abundance of new foster carers, so that means that children will be able to be removed easier from parents when an allegation goes in

For all to know that this Apprentice dog forgot to mention to you that when your children are removed from your home the Department of Child Safety deliberately stalls, delays, fuck you around, you fucking name it. FUCK your child will be 18 by the time it comes to have your day in court and just remember these moles and very few pricks that work there (Most of the guys have left) are protected by the act, IN OTHER WORDS ITS JUST ABOUT IMPOSSIBLE TO SUE THEM!.

On another note do you know most DOCS offices are protected like Fort Knocks? You need to enter one to see for yourself, it reminds me of the way old banks were set up, 12mm glass (who knows it might even be bullet proof too) And don't forget NEVER enter one by yourself. Read what I said earlier about entering a DOCS office without a witness with you.

I cannot wait until I have the poll, naming and shaming the most hated Government office and wait till you see the .?????????????? Not saying yet..