To answer the above question - No I will have to self publish. I have noted that might be ok though.But seriously if I spent $20,000 in legal fees getting my son back then I will match that to expose docs. I work like a dog these days to pay off my mortgage as fast as I can so I can utilise money to pour into this cause of exposing docs. There's been a few other projects along the way too.

Now are you all going over to altnews and giving Luke's dad (Michael) some support? He also is going creative at present and planning on a CD and art exhibition. I can see that man will not let his quest to expose docs for a long time to come. It is good that there are more of us gathering together. Unfortunately Luke died in terrible circumstances.

Truly my prayers are with any parent who is fighting docs and seeing their unaccountability and their unjust ways first hand. I pity all children under docs care.