A message for MP Jann Stuckey.

I am a very simple person and most of the time I never ask anyone for anything but I would like you if you ever become Minister for the Department of Child Safety that you try your hardest to change the laws protecting Child safety workers from prosecution.
Its very simple what myself and others would like. If a Department Of Child Safety worker of any capacity LIES in any way and you can prove it via audio recording, Police recordings or Police written transcripts, this person must be stood down immediately, an investigation must be done and if proven that this DOCS worker LIED in any way or form, this person must lose the protection of the ACT.
Putting it simply you should be able to take legal action against the person responsible for lying for either having you charged or removed from your house because of a FAT LIE!!.

This is all I ask and not a cent more. Please make them accountable for their actions.
Thank you
I Hate Gov Dept.