A man is away for a day or too sick in bed only to turn the computer on this afternoon to see this plastered on a Public forum.
I for one cannot believe what this Julie has written. You know I had to read it 10 time with my flu ridden body because all I could read was WOMEN,WOMEN, WOMEN Are you so bitter Julie?
Could you imagine Julie and others like her that get called up for jury duties and have the unpleasant duties of sitting for a sex trial?. Could you see her being impartial? I bet not, GUILTY! she would say even before the charges are even laid out.
There are more and more people like her today but sorry to say most are women, very bitter, very angry, and with a vengeance against men.
Tell me did your husband ever bash you to make you this way of being so anti Male? There is no doubt about this that you are bordering on the edge of being a ZEALOT.
Now you talk about Hetty Johnson and how you would like to see her in the Political arena, God help us men if that ever happens as if I remember correctly one of Brisbane's prominent Lawyers said on tv that she is brinking on the edge of Zealotry and trust me so are others that work for the Department of Child Safety.
Could you imagine having 12 Jurors like you and others similar to you in a court of law being empaneled in a sex case? The same goes for all the other ZEALOTS we have in QLD Could you imagine these one eyed monsters being picked as jurors and trying to be inpartial during a sex trial? Now that would be mission impossible and don't let anyone tell you differently.

I'm going back to my flu, See you later for more pickings whatever your sexual orientation is Julie if that's your real name..
Please give me an aspirin