
Welcome to this forum but if you have come here means you have a problem.
The Department of Child safety has been given excessive powers and some of the NAZI ZEALOT, HAIL! HITLER BITCHES FROM HELL enjoy every bit of it especially if its against men and they enjoy nothing better than removing a father from his home EVEN if there is no evidence of child abuse.
How they do this is by intimidation "EG" They say to your wife if your Husband doesn't leave we will remove your children (STEAL THEM FROM SCHOOL THE NEXT DAY).
I have a lot to write about the JAB Police but that will be at a later date mid next year.
As for them coming to school and interrogating your children I am sorry to say this Feminist pig of a Department has been given the Legal rights to come to your kids school, interrogate your kids and even STEAL THEM without you knowing.
Now The police today have a Code where anyone can be charged with child stealing and it known as CODE 363 (Child–stealing) which the Department of Child safety is exempt off.
See The Department of Child Safety is Exempt from a lot of our laws and can bully their way into your lives if any complaint is put in even if its very minor and if you rub them up the wrong way or if you are a man thats all they need to start a vendetta against you. OOhhh and don't they like lying to get their own way.
As for the useless headmaster I know of one case where a male Head Master was threatened by a JAB COP present with the DOCS bitch because he had to be present during a child interview or better still interrogation and he objected to the way the child was being interviewed.
DOCS and JAB put an official complaint against him to Queensland Education.
Sorry if I sound a little Sexist but this is the way it is DOCS is made up of mostly Women like around 90% and so is JAB (just a little under) and for any unfortunate person that has had to deal with these gangsters you also will come up with this assumption.
Do you know DOCS is trying to get new powers where they can kick your front door in if you refuse them entry without the police (JAB) being present. What they want to do is employ I would expect men of a physical build to be their heavies so they can charge through the front door of your house. The police via the government has totally refused to allow this to happen, just as well there is some decency around. If someone kicks your front door in I don't give a fuck who you are, I will do anything and so would the average family man and woman to protect themselves and their families. I don't give a flying fuck what badge they flash because people doing home invasions have been using this ploy where they kick the front door in and say they are customs or whatever but they are nothing but home invaders. Could you imagine DOCS getting the power to kick your front door in? I could just imagine the bullies kick the door in and the lesbian bitches stay well back until the dust is settled. Many I know today for whatever reasons after seeing all the home invasions today that are going on, are well protected for this type of activity.