Actually this one made me laugh the most, found on a news site.

Federal Police, You need the Department of Child Safety for help.

Submitted by Anonymous on Mon, 16/07/2007 - 14:04.

* Family issues

We all have been reading the papers and watching the news and following the story behind the arrest of Doctor Mohamed Haneef at Brisbane airport as he tried to board a plane with a one way ticket to India. Now our Federal Police have tried their little hearts out to find evidence so they can charge him and it has taken twelve days before finally finding a charge that would stick so he could be held indefinitely. I must say that there must be a level of honestly in the Federal police as they were getting desperate to find evidence to charge him and they did not try to frame him or in other words SET HIM UP!!!
Now if the Federal Police are reading this may I suggest you ring up the Department of Child Safety with there buddies from JAB (Juvenile Aid Bureau) next time especially if you hold another suspected terrorist, but this time you do not find any evidence whatsoever even if you hold the person for months, DOCS and JAB will help you to charge him as they have this statement called the 93A statement where a child can put an complaint against you and even when the JAB police investigate you they might even find things in your favour to prove you are innocent but at the end of the day they will charge you and to make it even worse they will even charge you when they have not even interviewed you at any time or you are not present. Mind you I have been told by others that the Department of Child Safety does put pressure on the JAB Police to charge a person even if NO EVIDENCE, yes I will repeat it again in case if you have missed it or you sneezed whilst reading this NO EVEDINCE WHATSOEVER, but they will still charge you just because a kid can speak into a tape recorder or sit in front of a video camera (93A) and say to the police that the person did this and did that to me and to make it even worse after your solicitor has listened or viewed the so called evidence (93 A Statement) your solicitor notices the story from the complaintant has a tendency to change from date to date. So Federal Police, if you want to charge another person next time and you hold that person for weeks and this time you find absolutely no evidence just ring DOCS next time for help and they will help you to find evidence to charge the person and when you tell them (DOCS) that you have none they will have no trouble planting some or lying to say differently.
You wonder why there is going to be a Royal Commission against DOCS.
Mind you with all crime committed today the police look for evidence to charge a person �eg� finger prints, DNA, Video surveillance, Statements given from independent witnesses, Phone records, bank account records, accurate time records and many others to link a person to the crime committed and with that evidence they charge the person but when it come to children putting a complaint in because you told them to piss off from your house and keep away from your kids the police only use this 93A statement to have you charged without any evidence even after the child did not want to be medically examined but was medically examined by force and NOTHING was found.
So go for it Federal Police just get a 93A statement and you will have him next time a lot quicker.

The Laws need to be Changed, DOCS CSO�s need to be accountable for their lies, and not protected by the Child Safety ACT so you cannot sue them, thank God for the CMC the fun is about to start.

Last edited by jaremt; Fri 15 Aug 2008 02:21:PM.